Mondkuchen - Tomorrow's Touch   (2017)
l’Endroit indiqué presents a new work by Mirjam Elburn, invited by montreal artist Vida Simon.   /   l’Endroit indiqué présente une nouvelle oeuvre de Mirjam Elburn. L’artiste était invitée par Vida Simon. Mirjam Elburn vit à Siegen, en Allemagne.
I have been dwelling on "sehnsucht," a German word which hardly has any equivalent in another language: desire/longing, aspiration/nostalgie, anhelo/ansia/nostalgia? "Sehnsucht" to me is a strong drive for making art. Using old, time-consuming, manual craft techniques to create objects made of found material—often human hair—I often encounter the word "nostalgia" when my work is described. But it is more about the stories and experiences behind the material. It is about the constant change, the unpredictable nature and experiencing of the past and time itself. I get in touch with the images and stories within a material or space by tearing it apart and sewing or felting it anew together again. So what does "sehnsucht" mean in that context? What do I long for? As an artist? As female, human? Mondkuchen – Tomorrow’s Touch shows an approach-in-progress to this question. (Mirjam Elburn)